Saturday, April 21, 2012


last night's leftovers still rumbling so seismically

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Playa Giron -- 17 April 1961

a land crab's claws
hold on so tightly
to a mangrove root

Remembering the brave men of the 2506 Brigade who fought so
valiantly to gain a beachhead and free their homeland, April 17, 1961.


white, foamy seaspray
carries sun and smell
far from a beach

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bishop Agustin Roman called home

a priest at prayer
his hands hold a rosary

Bishop Agustin Roman
Cuban exile
American bishop
Man of God
Called home 11 April 2012

remembering a brave woman - Julie Bonhoeffer

Just a small basket

filled with early strawberries

carried so proudly

Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer came to his faith and courage genetically. His grandmother, Frau Julie Bonhoeffer, after all defied the Nazis and at age 91 bought strawberries from one of the last Jewish merchants in her hometown. This simple act expressed her solidarity with Jews at a time when their persecution was becoming unbearable.